But there may be a problem.

There are no stools. Another exhibitor nearby said they were charging
$45 for a stool. But then a group for OSUOSL arrived (second booth down
from us) and they told me that their information said they were to have
stools. I said that we had not paid for our booth, and they replied
that they did not pay for theirs either. 

One of the group said she spoke "Trade Show" and offered to go to the
exhibitor help desk to check it out. The man behind the desk said the
stools are arriving tomorrow. 

So now I'm assuming we'll have stools, and hoping that the first
exhibitor that I talked to was wrong. If someone is around tomorrow
morning it would be good to check out our booth to be sure we have
something to sit on, else I can bring something when I come at 5:00.
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