Well, I have user space queueing of SMTP packets working.  Found out 
my IP server had a bug, I wasn't saying NO when an IP wasn't found.
So far I have 83 IP's listed, but I'm still getting spam of course.
I don't seem to be getting quite as much spam though.  When a 
spammer gets past my partially open port, they don't always get all 
the way through fortunately.  So the amount of spam I get isn't 
directly correlated to the number of times that the spammer's IP 
address isn't listed yet.  It would be nice if I could use reliable
third party information about IP addresses I haven't seen before.
The biggest problem with the shut the door approach is knowing when 
to shut it.

I imagine Perl may have packages other than IPTables::IPv4::IPQueue 
that could be useful and potentially allow me to use remote DNS
blacklist information.  When the answer is NO from my IP server, I want
to do a DNS blacklist query to see if I should list the IP after all and
say YES of course.  In essence, this would facilitate closing the door
more often.

The goal was to implement a tarpit, I have a list driven port closer
instead.  There's no slowing down of connection requests, I simply don't
honor them sometimes.  Not quite what I'd like to be doing.

I wonder if it would be wise when the SMTP connection request packets
are queued to do an additional check if the IP is not listed?  I'm
thinking try to do a DNS lookup and if that fails, reject.  A 
legitimate email source has to have a valid PTR record, does 
it not?  Are there any other checks along these lines that I should be
thinking about?  Can Perl scripts do DNS queries?  How long do DNS
queries take?  Do they take too long?

A thought is to get help from a Perl guru to improve my three scripts
enough that other people will want to use them.  Once multiple sites are
using the system, maybe the IP lists can be shared somehow.  The only
way to stop spam is to block the connection requests from bot nets and
other spam sources.  I want to share my scripts as an alternative to
spamcannibal.  To be a good alternative though, I need a PHP interface
possibly and really I should probably be aging the entries in the IP
list.  Also, there is an argument to use encryption for the port
connections.  I use Net::EasyTCP to connect the IP server to what I
currently call the tarpit script.

Since I queue the whole entire TCP connection request packet, what else
can I pull out of it for informational purposes???

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