
This IS off topic, and you should delete it now. :)


I have tried before, and I am probably beating a dead horse with this post. But 
I am going to try to explain to you why we, collectively, find your posts 
annoying. This is all my opinion, but I believe most of what I am about to say 
is pretty close to what others feel, based on what others have said.

On Sep 8, 2011, at 4:24 PM, Michael C. Robinson wrote:

> I am trying to get people to care about a very real threat I am
> receiving.

Is the threat linux? No, it's not. It's a threat of civil action in court, 
which is off topic.

>  I am NOT a troll.

By strict definition, you are a troll. You post off topic and inflammatory 
messages in an online forum. That is exactly the definition of a troll. The 
message I am replying to is a prime example of an inflammatory message.

You yourself said the message was off topic, then claimed it was on topic 
because it had to do with open source software. Claiming something is on topic 
does not make it so. 

>  I post the actual threat and all I get is
> censorship?

Someone here did actually tell you what you can do about the threat. Other than 
that suggestion, there is nothing anyone in this forum can do for you. Contact 
a lawyer. That is your only recourse. If someone does not want you in their 
forum, they are entitled to ban you from it. If they bring a suit against you, 
we can't help you. Only an attorney can.

>  What about my questions concerning Asterisk and my
> questions concerning other Linux related topics?  The censorship means
> that I'm going to get ignored on everything.

That's the unfortunate thing about pissing in the pool. If you generate enough 
animosity that enough people filter your posts, then you will not get the help 
you ask for. That's also one of the great strengths of this type of group. Most 
people self police themselves well enough. 

>  Is this how you want to be
> treated?  Do you want to be called a troll?  I learned to treat others
> the way I want to be treated, I guess you didn't Heinlein.

I suggest you look in the mirror. If your actions are leading to people 
filtering your posts, and more than a handful are doing it, maybe you need to 
reflect on what YOU are doing. We all live here, and you are not any more 
special than anyone else. Freedom of speech does not mean we have to listen to 
you. We can refuse to listen to you, and it appears that many here have decided 
to do just that. You do NOT treat people the way you want to be treated. You 
expect us to all jump on your bandwagon and rally around you concerning your 
latest crisis.

You know as well as everyone else that plug-talk is for non-linux/unix related 
posts. If you are not asking for help regarding the use and/or operation of a 
linux or unix operating system, then your post does not belong here. Legal 
issues do not belong here. 

Russell Johnson

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