
I'm working on something called the C++ Middleware Writer (CMW).  The
CMW is the back tier of a 3-tier system.  The middle and front tiers are
open-source and are available here --
There's an archive on that page that you can download.  When the software
is built, a library and two executables are created.  I'm interested in
bugs in the library or the two executables.  The contest is focused on
finding run-time problems in either of the two tiers or the library that can

be downloaded.  I'll want to reproduce the problem here before awarding
the money to someone.  The open-source tiers run on both Windows and
Linux.  I have access to Linux and two versions of Windows 7 here.

There's a contest status page here -- <> .

At this time that page has the following:
$50 contest history/status
Oct. 9th, 2011 -- 6:00pm -- open

The contest can be in one of three states: open, closed or on hold. I only
plan to award one prize at this time so if someone reports (probably
best to copy me on an email) what they believe to be a problem, I'll
change the status to on hold until deciding if the reported problem is a
bug or not.

If the status is on hold, you may not want to report your findings until
either a negative decision is made on the pending matter or the contest
reopens.  Depending on how things go with this, I'll close the contest
after the first bug is agreed upon, but may reopen it at a later date.

If you need any help building or starting the software, let me know.
Thank you for your interest.

Brian Wood
Ebenezer Enterprises <>
PLUG mailing list

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