As mentioned yesterday my desktop croaked. Fortunately I had copied a
number of things from it to my recently upgraded laptop which is now
running Ubuntu 10.04, too. One of the programs I installed on both
machines was a deb package called transcribe. It is an audio playback
program that is used by transcribers to start and stop a recording to
make it easier to keep up with the person speaking while typing what
that person said. It also keeps track of the position of the audio
cursor by time so one can jump to a specific spot in the recording if
one knows when to jump to.

I had this program running on my laptop three weeks ago. I tried to use
it this morning but nothing happens on the screen when I click on its
icon. I tried running it from a terminal window. Here's what I got:

rsteff@acer-laptop:~$ transcribe
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/transcribe", line 479, in <module>
    window = TranscribeWindow()
  File "/usr/bin/transcribe", line 87, in __new__
  File "/usr/bin/transcribe", line 177, in finish_initializing
    self.player = TranscribePlayer()
  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/transcribe/", line 54, in
gst.ElementNotFoundError: scaletempo

I tried Googling gst.ElementNotFoundError: scaletempo but got only one
hit that didn't make much sense to me. Are the other lines, the ones
above gst.E.ementNotFoundError, telling me that something is wrong? Or
are they just showing me something is happening?

I also tried reinstalling the deb package but I get the same results.
Any thoughts on where to look next?



Dick Steffens

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