On Thu, 20 Oct 2011 07:17:33 -0700
mer...@stonehenge.com (Randal L. Schwartz) dijo:

>>>>>> "T-Mobile" == T-Mobile Contacts <joh...@comcast.net> writes:
>T-Mobile> Testing new phone.
>Test failed... you emailed a public mailing list.  Don't.  Do.  That.


K9 mail on my old Android phone could e-mail anyone without problem,
but when it sent the e-mail in the "from" field it would prepend my
Google gmail address - the address that you must set up in order to use
the Android marketplace and other features of Android. This flummoxed
the PLUG mail server so that it rejected the e-mail. I spent hours
trying to get it to stop doing that, to no avail.

I now have a new phone and needed to test whether the problem had been
corrected. Happily it has. However, I had no choice but to send a
message to the list in order to test it. I should have added why I was
sending a test message to the PLUG list, but typing on a phone is
painful. I regret that my failure to explain led you to assume I didn't
know the rules for listservs.

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