
I am writing to this group because I figure there must be a subset of
linux people that are sensitive to extraneous noises and lights, like LEDs
on high tech equipment.  Furthermore, by virtue of the fact that you're into
linux, you may be a bit of a hacker, or have figured out the solution to my
quandary, or know of the product I'm looking for.

I recently switched from oil heat to gas heat.  I now have a fancy
shmantzy digital programmable thermostat.
It makes a popping and clicking sound whenever the heater changes
state.  It also lights up whenever the heater
changes state.  I don't want it to do these things.  My old analog
thermostat just sat there and never made
any noise or generated any light.  However, it is not programmable.

I would like a programmable thermostat that is silent, and does not
light up, and does
not make any noise when the heater changes state.

Victor Soich

The following goes into detail regarding my concerns and issues with
my current programmable thermostat.

I wrote to technical support of Rheem describing two issues of the
Rheem thermostat.  It lights up at inappropriate times, and makes a
loud clicking noise.  Perhaps they will have a quick fix to
the problem.  The following is what I wrote....

I am the consumer of the product, not the contractor.  I will be
registering my product very soon.  The product is a nice snazzy
digital thermostat with a decent liquid crystal display, but there are
two problems that I hope you can address.  Otherwise, I am really
going to miss my old analog thermostat because it didn't make noise or
light up at inappropriate times.

The thermostat is within view of my sight while I watch TV in the
living room, and occasionally fall asleep on the couch in the living
room.  Unfortunately, the thermostat LCD screen lights up momentarily,
and the thermostat makes some sort of clicking sound when a change of
state occurs in the heating system.  I can't stand the light coming
on, and I can't stand the click sound sounding when I'm not the one
prompting it.  It startles me when I'm watching TV or falling asleep
on the couch in the dark.  I don't like the thermostat "announcing" to
the world that the heater is doing something by lighting up
momentarily and making a clicking sound.  That is why I like the old
analog thermostat.  It did its job without having to indicate to the
world at large that it was doing something.  Is there a way to disable
the light from coming on and the clicking sound from happening
automatically when the heating system changes state?  I hope so,
otherwise a snazzy new programmable 100 dollar plus thermostat is
worse than the old technology of an analog thermostat.

I read the manual for the thermostat, and I figured out how to keep
the LCD thermostat from ever lighting up.  You do this by going into
Light to L OFF.  While this has the virtue of keeping the LCD light
from flashing on at inappropriate times, like when I'm watching TV in
the dark, or sleeping on the couch, it still does not prevent the
clicking sound from happening.  Another drawback of turning the
Display Light to L OFF is that when I do need it on, it won't come on
unless I go through the INSTALLER/CONFIGURATION MENU and set the
Display Light to L(On).  This is too much of a rigmarole.
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