I had Fedora 14 x86_64 working fine on my Thinkpad T61. Last night I made a 
full backup and today I upgraded to Fedora 16. The upgrade proceeded withoui 
error. I can boot into Recovery Mode (gives me terminal as root), but I can't 
get X to come up.

Probably unrelated but, while at the command line as root, I have no network. I 
did "ifconfig eth0 up" and then I could see eth0 in the list of interfaces, but 
I still cannot go anywhere. I can't even ping my printers. I need to fix that 
as well, else I won't be able to install anything. 

The error message (echoed in /var/log/Xorg.o.log) is:

        Fatal server error: no screens found.

I was using the nVidia driver, so I renamed /etc/X11/xorg.conf, but I got the 
same error when it tried to use the nouveau driver.

At the moment it is booted to the Fedora 16 Live CD, and running fine at 
1680x1050. Therefore, it is not Fedora 16 per se, but rather something in the 
upgrade that got messed up.

I need suggestions badly!
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