Rich Shepard wrote:
>    I inadvertently changed permissions on all directories and files in my ~/
> to 755 (including the dot files, of course). Only the directories should
> have those perms; regular files should be 644.
>    I want to correct this as quickly as possible, but I cannot find an option
> in the chmod man page that will ignore directories while changing all other
> files. There's probably a scripting approach using file and exec, but I've
> not done anything like this before so guidance on how to restore the
> appropriate perms will be very helpful.
> Rich
Rich Shepard
(BASH shell script)
Loop through a listing of the first level directory (~/)
    for each file that is not a directory, chmod
    for each file is a directory
       Loop through a listing of that directory
... etc ...

Need help writing that?  On line or off line?

Caution ... be sure that is what you want to do ... might want to run 
the program first, printing out what it would do, without actually doing it.

Hope that helps
Fred James

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