On 2/29/12 5:31 PM, Bill Ensley wrote:
> I cannot say that I would make a great speaker, but I have quite a bit
> of experience with several versions of FreePBX with my oldest version over 5 
> years old and
> running great.

Great = know more than we do and communicate it to the best of your 

> I am about to rebuild our outdated version with the latest build as well
> so it will be fresh in my mind
> I volunteer.


Will April work? General or AT? I have a group working on a talk that 
can go either way, leaving the other slot open.

Hopefully we can talk tomorrow night.


P.S. With profound hesitation for fear of breaking the most sacred of 
PLUG traditions... I updated the pdxlinux.org main page to reflect the 
upcoming events. It needs much work but I removed the worst of the dated 
information. Daniel, let's talk github etc.
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