Some thoughts on the Unity/Gnome 3 change

I migrated to Ubuntu Linux about 6 years ago after being alienated by 
the total mess that Windows XP/Vista had become. The Gnome2 desktop was 
easy to master, not all that dissimilar from Windows. Then Ubuntu 
introduced Unity about the same time that Gnome3 superseded the old 
linear menus. I really disliked the new interface models at first and 
wondered why Linux developers just couldn't stick with the old tried and 

A year of so later, my perspective has changed completely. I'm currently 
using Ubuntu 11.10 w/Gnome 3.2 and the Avant dock. After getting used to 
the change I'd never go back (although Ubuntu 11.10 offers the option of 
the "classic Gnome" desktop). The incredible flexibility of lenses 
combined with the traditional linear menus and launchers in Avant makes 
just about every task easier faster and more fun.

My advice to those who find Linux' general move away from the old 
Gnome/Windows menu model uncomfortable is to just slowly acclimatize 
oneself to them. The fully user-customizable Avant dock (AWN) is a great 
tool to ease that transition as it offers everything the old Gnome2 
menus did and more. Gnome2 fans can explore the new paradigm without 
being lashed to it for every task. I suspect most users will eventually 
find themselves more comfortable with Unity or Gnome3 and many will 
become happy fans.

On 03/21/2012 10:43 PM, John Jason Jordan wrote:
> On Wed, 21 Mar 2012 21:57:08 -0700
> Denis Heidtmann<>  dijo:
>> What is the desktop you are using now?
> Xfce on my Fedora laptop, Gnome 2.30 on Lucid desktop.
> I stuck with Fedora 14 on the laptop as long as I could, knowing that I
> would not like Gnome 3 (tried it with live CDs). When I had to upgrade
> to Fedora 16 I installed Xfce first and got it all configured the way I
> wanted it. I still have Gnome 3 on Fedora 16, but I have yet to log in
> to it.
> I have also seen Unity via live CD and I don't care much for it. In
> another month Precise will be out to replace Lucid on the desktop. I'm
> debating what to do. The desktop is used only for streaming radio,
> playing videos, and as a backup to get on the net when I mess up the
> laptop. It has no data and little in the way of programs and
> configurations. I think I'm going to wipe it out and install Precise
> Xubuntu. Or maybe I'll go to Mint, if I can find a recent LTS version
> with an Xfce spin, since I need audio and video support. But Mint has
> an ugly, stupid logo and I don't want to have to stare at puke green.
> It's hard to choose these days, because I have to satisfy the highly
> opinionated artist living inside me.
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