On Wed, Mar 28, 2012 at 10:54:34PM -0700, website reader wrote:
> What is a bit irritating in all this is that cp should NOT have
> grabbed so much main memory and allocated it to disk cache.  It took
> 99.65% of the memory.  I would have expected it to throttle back and
> only use 95% of the available memory, insteading of grabbing
> everything but 86 megabytes, 

What's lead you to that belief?
What else was the system doing?

>From your description the system was just copying the file(s). 
It was caching the only significant activity on the system. 
What is surprising about that?

            Michael Rasmussen, Portland Oregon  
      Other Adventures: http://www.jamhome.us/ or http://westy.saunter.us/
Fortune Cookie Fortune du jour:
Pepper has been called 'the gift of the East,' though 'gift' means poison
in Swedish. don't let that put you off.
    ~ label of Scandinavian Airlines salt and pepper packet
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