On Wed, 2012-04-04 at 08:38 -0700, Rich Shepard wrote:
> The kvm-intel module is loaded and qemu-kvm is installed. Please point me
> to information on where/how to load a guest OS from a distribution DVD and
> how to set up qemu so it loads that quest OS when invoked.
>    The qemu web site's documentation looks well out of data and seems
> specific to fedora. More generic information will be helpful.

Rich, you might look for documentation on the Virtual Machine Manager,
which both Red Hat and Ubuntu use as a GUI front-end for managing KVM.
It's from the virt-manager RPM at least on RHEL 6, and is pretty
intuitive (aka, I don't think documentation is that important for it,
but some is available at virt-manager.org). The command line tools are
based on virsh and virt-*.


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