I've looked in the ORA book and on line without seeing what I've written
incorrectly in this script:

#! /usr/bin/awk -f

BEGIN { FS = OFS = "|"}

if ($3 ~ /Ag/ && $4 ~ /0.000/) { print $1, $2, $3, "-0.005" };
else if ($3 ~ /Alk_tot/ && $4 ~ /0.000/) { print $1, $2, $3, "-1.000" };
else if ($3 ~ /Cr/ && $4 ~ /0.000/) { print $1, $2, $3, "-0.030" };
else if ($3 ~ /Fe/ && $4 ~ /0.000/) { print $1, $2, $3, "-1.200" };
else if ($3 ~ /Mg/ && $4 ~ /0.000/) { print $1, $2, $3, "-1.000" };
else if ($3 ~ /NO3-NO2/ && $4 ~ /0.000/) { print $1, $2. $3, "-0.020" };
else if ($3 ~ /Na/ && $4 ~ /0.000/) { print $1, $2, $3, "-0.530" };
else if ($3 ~ /Sb/ && $4 ~ /0.000/) { print $1, $2, $3, "-0.010" };
else if ($3 ~ /Se/ && $4 ~ /0.000/) { print $1, $2, $3, "-0.003" };
else if ($3 ~ /TDS/ && $4 ~ /0.000/) { print $1, $2, $3, "-15.000" };
else { print $1, $2, $3, $4 }

   awk tells me there's a syntax error at the start of each 'if' and 'else
if' line. I've seen examples without the semi-colon and with it, but I've
not found what I'm doing incorrectly. I also tried wrapping the body of the
script in {} but that makes no difference, either.

   A clue is needed.


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