Hi all,

A friend of mine gave me his laptop that has a cracked lcd.  I was
hoping I could come down, have someone teach me how to take the lcd
off, teach me how to get a replacement panel, i.e. what's a good price
at whatever site to get one, or possibly getting one somehow through
FreeGeek itself, show me what tools I need, etc.  Basically a primer
on fixing the hardware of my laptop.  Once I fix it, if it is fixable,
then I want to put Debian on it, or Mint, or whatever.  That latter
"project" would probably have to wait until the August clinic,
assuming everything goes well with fixing my laptop.  The point is, I
don't intend to get help fixing my laptop, and then not put linux on
it.  In fact, I have a desktop computer that has ubuntu 10.04.  Right
now the laptop does, "work", in the sense that it boots to windows.
There's just a big crack in the screen.  I hope what I'm seeking falls
within the purview of the clinic.

Victor Soich

On Fri, Jun 15, 2012 at 10:35 PM, Keith Lofstrom <kei...@gate.kl-ic.com> wrote:
> What does Dad want for Father's Day, Sunday June 17?  Linux
> Clinic, of course!  Especially if he's your father, and he
> wants you out of the house ...
> So come on down to 731 Southeast 10th Avenue Portland, three
> blocks south of Hawthorne.  While dear old dad would like you
> out of the basement before dawn, we start at 1pm and run until
> 5pm.  That still gives him plenty of time to change the locks.
> We can help you with a nice Father's Day card - Dad may want
> express bus, but he'll probably get PCI.
> You can earn your way towards his grudging tolerance by
> installing his soon-to-be-favorite Linux distro on his PC.
> We have all kinds.  We have wired and wireless internet, so
> you can download other perfect (that is, free) gifts.  We
> have monitors, mice, and keyboards, so you only have to sneak
> his system box out of the house (while he isn't looking).
> Best of all, we have plenty of expert help, so you can shift
> the blame for unwelcome/broken/obscene software onto us.
> Tell Dad that you talked with Linus Torvalds, Mark Shuttleworth,
> and other F/OSS movers and shakers, and they will help you find
> a job Real Soon Now.  Well, you can talk with their code, at
> least.  If the software doesn't work, you can scream some of
> the same words that he screams at you.  Like father, like child!
> Keith
> --
> Keith Lofstrom          kei...@keithl.com         Voice (503)-520-1993
> KLIC --- Keith Lofstrom Integrated Circuits --- "Your Ideas in Silicon"
> Design Contracting in Bipolar and CMOS - Analog, Digital, and Scan ICs
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