On Sat, Jul 7, 2012 at 4:25 PM, Richard C. Steffens <rst...@comcast.net> wrote:
> I've had a home network for many years. I connect to my wife's Winders 7
> machine using Samba. Sometimes the connection works easily, and other
> times it does not....
> ...(Or, feel free to whack me with said stick yourself.)

Possibly helpful suggestion:
Have you tried other protocols, to eliminate SMB as the cause of your issues?

Ranting anger, fueled by too many years of fighting this demon:
SMB is a great protocol for non-switched networks, that were built in
the era of "Ether....net? That sounds scary...." It's not designed for
session recovery, retries, high throughput, large networks, etc. It
was a serial-LAN technology that got ported (begrudgingly) to TCP/IP,
and remains around as part of a standard windows stack, not because it
actually works well, or because it's good, or for any reason other
than Microsoft can use it for lock-in.

If, of course, you'd like some actual link and giggles, try this:

It'll help you out with cultural and technical references on the why,
and how, and WTF.

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