On 10/20/2012 06:07 AM, Rich Shepard wrote:
> On Fri, 19 Oct 2012, Benjamin Kerensa wrote:
>> On a side note Flash will soon be EOL for Linux unless your using Chrome
>> then some support will continue using Pepper
>     Interesting. I watch few videos and would not be overly upset if I could
> watch none. But, I'm probably in the minority.
I've been watching this with quite a bit of interest as I enjoy a lot of 
music and music videos on youtube. I recently installed Slackware 14.0 
which included Firefox 15.0.1. To my surprise, Firefox was able to play 
youtube content without installing libflashplayer.so.

I had not used a newer Firefox for several years, so this is probably 
old news to many of you, but looking into it a bit further, is it 
possible there might be some movement away from browser plugins to 
browsers that are HTML5 capable?


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