On 11/24/2012 04:26 PM, C W wrote:
> Thanks for the replies, everybody.  Does restoring from a backup work
> reliably?
> Just about every time so far for me. Some points to remember:
> IMAGE backups of a drive partition are much larger than backing up just the 
> data that comprises the system. You're also backing up all the unused space 
> on that partition. Thus the file produced is much larger than a tar or zip 
> archive so more space is need on the storage drive. Hard drive gigs are cheap 
> these days,even more so if you buy used at Freegeek or a factory 
> reconditioned drive at Pacific Solutions, so that should not be a problem.
> Backing up the drive's partition table helps avoid some problems that might 
> occur although such are rare. If your restore fails, e.g. if you boot and 
> GRUB fails to find the system files it needs, restoring the backed-up 
> partition table can help.
> It also helps to have a DVD or USB live copy of the main system you use. For 
> example if you're using Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, write that distro to a DVD/USB and 
> boot up with that. That way you minimize any problems that might arise by 
> using another distro while restoring.
> If even restoring the partition table fails, you can always reinstall GRUB 
> from that DVD/USB live system onto your drive thus:
> sudo fdisk -l # (to find Ubuntu root)
> sudo mkdir -v /Ubuntu
> sudo mount /dev/sda1 /Ubuntu #(where sda1 is the drive partition where your 
> restored system is located)
> sudo grub-install --root-directory=/Ubuntu /dev/sda #(where sda is the 
> physical drive where your restored system is located)
> Reading the grub-install man page before you need it and related online info 
> will help clear up any confusion about grub-install options.
> You probably won't need that latter hassle but it helps to have the 
> ammunition available if some odd issue surfaces and you can't get the 
> restored system to clear GRUB. With all those tools you can pretty much rest 
> easy that you can backup and restore your stable system without fearing its 
> extinction and the need to reinstall from scratch.

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