This might help...:

On Mon, Dec 17, 2012 at 3:19 PM, John Jason Jordan <>wrote:

> On Mon, 17 Dec 2012 14:28:11 -0800
> website reader <> dijo:
> >Does anyone know how to change the .gvfs directory permissions? (other
> >than boot up Knoppix and do it that way?)
> When I first ran into this problem a couple years ago that was my first
> attempt as well, but I failed. I recall asking on the Ubuntu forums
> and, in spite of several replies, no one could come up with a way to
> touch the file, not even as root. It did not occur to me to try a
> Knoppix CD, but I know that I was amazed that the Gnome people had
> figured out a way to lock .gvfs down so tight.
> I'm still curious how they did it. And if we knew how they did it we
> might be able figure out how to undo it.
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