Interesting interview of Dr. Robert Watson of Cambridge ( and on
the board of the FreeBSD Foundation) about the rearchitecting of
computer hardware.  To a chip designer, Dr. Watson's
prognostications seem like small steps in the right direction. 

The way things are headed, vast swaths of software is being
replaced with special purpose hardware.  As the relative cost of
a logic gate plummets compared to the time and energy cost of an
instruction fetch, it is far more cost effective to add graphics
and radio and network-layer hardware to chips, even if most of
that hardware isn't ever used in a particular user device. 

For example, Intel's latest "single chip processor" for mobile
devices has 6 radios on it, even though a particular device may
use only one or two.  On-chip radios are far cheaper than the
wires and board-space and power needed to connect to optimized
separate-chip radios.  Will they become obsolete?  You betcha. 
But you will buy a new device for its new features sooner. 
The main thing you should demand is the ability to securely
and freely transfer your data and capabilities to each new
device without hassle.  Open platforms, open standards!

In time, I expect software will balkanize into a lot of little
modules, running in separate hardware sandboxes, with interprocess
communication completely managed by hardware.  Software kernels
as we know them may vanish.  Bugs will remain in the design 
process, corrected over time, and exploits will only endure
until next year's hardware release.


Keith Lofstrom         Voice (503)-520-1993
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