On Mon, 14 Jan 2013, King Beowulf wrote:

> I've had various DSL and cable providers over the years, and never found
> my dynamic IP to change very often.  With Comcast now and my IP hasn't
> changed in a year!  Checking very 15 minutes seems to be a bit overkill. 
> Typically, you will have a IP lease time and then only swap out when the
> modem reboots.  For the small game server I run under my desk, I typically
> have dyndns only check once every 24hrs.


   Ever since Frontier took over Verizon Northwest's land lines and stopped
supporting static IP addresses (at least for ISPs like Aracnet/SpiritOne), I
get a new IP address frequently. It's slowed down some now but I was getting
30-40 changes a day (usually from the evening to the next morning). Now I
see only 3-4 every day or two. Before I started checking frequently I'd
often log in early in the morning and find that mail stopped arriving some
time during the previous evening or night. Then I'd need to find my current
IP address and manually update the DNS servers. PITA.

   Yeah, I know that DHCP leases are supposed to be longer, but apparently no
one told Frontier about that.


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