g...@sdf.org wrote:
> Dunno about your setup but on mine F11 is a toggle - just hit it again.
> And again.  And again. ;)
> --Jeff
I have stayed out of the thread because (a) I don't use Gnome ... got 
forced out when my old machine wasn't "up to" the latest version ... 
sigh ... that is another story, though.

But I have a couple of things ...
     (b) Knosole has no such "hot key" or toggle that I can find ... 
have to use an item in a drop down menu
     (c) on my keyboard F11 and F12 are directly above "Backspace"
     (c.1) the ( and ) are more or less centered under F7, F8, and F9
     (d) going from "maximized" to "full-screen" gains 3 lines/rows and 
no columns
     (d.1) 51 lines at maximized, and 54 at full-screen
     (d.2) 184 columns in either case

I guess you'd have to be there?
Fred James

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