might be a good midpoint to
start at. Code compiles to very, very, simple instructions, which are
derived from a huge legacy of computing... for example, you mentioned
electrons (or "elections", heh), but I started with paper tape storage,
which was later related to drum storage, which spawned other kinds of
magnetic and chip storage. As an alternate to starting at a midpoint, maybe
start at the beginning, and work your way through the history of computing. It's about 4,000 years
long, but to simplify (which is why so many things go abstract), we
invented machines that count beads really freaking fast, and then used
bead-counting as a way of doing things that didn't, at first, seem to
involve counting.

On Tue, Mar 12, 2013 at 7:31 AM, Travisseal <> wrote:

> Dear enthusiasts,
> I am having a rough time visualizing the mechanisms that translate
> compiled code into binary instructions. Most resources use very vague
> language, like "fetch" and "execute". Although these are primitive
> instructions, they are still abstract. How does this "fetch" go about
> driving down a bus, picking up elections stored in a memory cells, and
> translating them into something useful?(keep in mind hisenburg principal)
> Call me faithless, but can someone provide me material that goes this
> deep.
> Thank you for reading my sob story.
> Travis
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