On 2013-11-16 10:25, Russell Senior wrote:
>>>>>> "Russell" == Russell Senior <russ...@personaltelco.net> writes:
>>>>>> "tim" == tim  <t...@wescottdesign.com> writes:
> tim> Is there a tool out there that will make an mpg or other 'movie
> tim> format' file from a sequence of stills?  I'm making movies in
> tim> Scilab that I can only watch in Scilab.  I can export each frame
> tim> as a gif or whatever, but I want to be able to compile an mpg,
> tim> hopefully smaller than an animated gif, and distribute it.
> tim> Suggestions welcome.
> Russell> Imagemagick tools can do this.
> http://www.nuxified.org/article/create_video_animations_with_inkscape_imagemagick_and_ffmpeg
> in particular, section 2.

Thanks.  This looks like it'll do the trick.
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