Michael Rasmussen wrote:
> A call for opinion, or a pseudo poll.
> Consider someone at the command line,  needs some information, decides to:
> me@server $  for S in `cat list_of_servers`;do echo "  $S"; ssh $S
> 'command'; done
> In your mind is that scripting?

There were a couple of calls for context.  We're sending some of our
drudge work to an operations center.  I've been asked to provide a set of
commands I typically use so they can replicate that aspect of my work.

Faced with the prospect of sshing to X number of servers to run a command
my habit is to rattle off a one liner for loop like that. If the command
output is short enough I'll start with echo "$S  " and end up with a nice
little table for easy review.

When probing the *nix experience of the people who will be doing the work
this Q&A came up. We had agreed they can diff, grep, df, du and stuff like
that.  Then:

ME:  Back to the Unix question - for loops?  as in :  for Server in `cat
list_of_servers`; do echo $Server; ssh $Server 'some command'; done

THEM: Nope, as of now we don't have knowledge on scripting and if ...

And so I asked here.

And now I'm wondering if:

grep TERM hairy_big_log_file.log | grep -v term2 | less

is called scripting

Though I will accept that

grep TERM humongous_file.log | grep ^2014 | cut -d: -f 1 | uniq -c

does fit.

and yes

egrep "^2014.*TERM" ...

is in the vocabulary.

    Michael Rasmussen
  Be Appropriate && Follow Your Curiosity

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