Dear PLUG,

I'm trying to follow the instructions to swap my caps lock key and my
crtl key as recommended by the web site effective-emacs, for the
purpose of being an effective emacs user.  The instructions are at

I think I did everything according to the directions.  When I invoke
emacs from the command line, it doesn't seem to have changed anything,
i.e. when I hit caps lock, my text is in capitals.  I expected it to
act as the ctrl key.  I tried logging out.  I think I have xfce on
debian.  I don't know if that makes a difference.  I logged back in
through a dialog box.  I tried shutting down the laptop completely,
and rebooting.  Did I miss a step?  Furthermore, and for bonus, please
allay my angst over not being able to follow linux directions!!

victor@claudius:~$ echo $HOME
victor@claudius:~$ ls -a
.                 Documents        lastButOne.hs     .pulse-cookie
..                Downloads        .local            quux.txt
ABunchOfWriting   .emacs.d         .macromedia       shortCircuit.hs
ABunchOfWriting~  .fontconfig      .mission-control  shortCircuit.hs~
add.hs            #foo#            .mozilla          sources.list
.adobe            .gconf           Music             .speech-dispatcher
Assign.hs         .ghc             myDrop2.hs        .ssh
baby.hs           .gksu.lock       myDrop2.hs~       Templates
baby.hs~          .gnash           myDrop.hs         .thumbnails
.bash_history     .gnome2          myDrop.hs~        Videos
.bash_logout      .gnome2_private  myDropX.hs        WC.hs
.bash_profile     .gnupg           myLast.hs         WC.hs~
.bashrc           .gstreamer-0.10  myLast.hs~        .xmodmap
.cache            .gtk-bookmarks   Pictures          .xmodmap~
.config           .gvfs            .profile          .xsession-errors
.dbus             .ICEauthority    Public            .xsession-errors.old
Desktop           lastButone~      .pulse
victor@claudius:~$ cat .xmodmap
! Swap Caps_Lock and Control_L
remove Lock = Caps_Lock
remove Control = Control_L
keysym Control_L = Caps_Lock
keysym Caps_Lock = Control_L
add Lock = Caps_Lock
add Control = Control_L
victor@claudius:~$ cat .bash_profile
xmodmap ~/.xmodmap

Thank you for your patience, understanding, and sympathy!!

Victor Soich
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