> The justification for dependencies in software packages is that
> they can be shared, saving RAM and disk space.  But disks and
> RAM is growing very large, while not much is actually shared.
> Besides many instances of the same program sharing the runtime
> code, do programs really need to share anything, beyond agreeing
> on standard interfaces for the display manager and the operating
> system?

If you didn't use dependencies, how would you track security patches
in your libraries?

We have a perfect natural laboratory to see how this would play out:
Windows.  In the Windows world, the idea of dependencies is largely
foreign.  For that reason, there's probably 20 copies of things like
zlib and openssl installed the typical Windows desktop box.  Many of
those are old versions that never get back-patched for security fixes
until someone points out, one by one, that each proprietary software
package that bundled a vulnerable version needs to be updated.  It is
a nightmare.

Your software distribution does you a grand service by managing this
for you.  Use a distro that does it right, buy into it and use their
framework, and many of the headaches you describe become minor.


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