On Sat, 19 Apr 2014 15:13:01 -0500
Richard Owlett <rowl...@cloud85.net> dijo:

>It said in part "I haven't quite given up on XP yet but am trying 
>to go to 7.  The problem is that I hate 7 and hate Chrome & Gmail 
>even more - but I'm not going over to whatever you happen to use 
>- I'm not smart enough to learn something else - and then teach 
>Judy. "
>I'm a Debian fan.  Judy, his wife, has a M.S. in Music Education 
>(major in piano, minor in organ). In my opinion they are both in 
>the audience targeted by Microsoft and Canonical. I suspect that 
>that anything looking like Gome3 would be a show stopper.

The first step is to find out if there are any programs that they
absolutely must use. If any of them lack a Linux alternative, you'll
have an uphill battle. And having said that, I have found that getting
a Windows user to start using LibreOffice even while still on a Windows
machine is a good idea. LibreOffice is the gateway drug to the open
source world. And for the music major I might suggest Lilypond as well. 

I agree with your estimate that Ubuntu is probably the best option for
them. As for which "buntu to turn them on to, that is kind of tough. I
haven't used Windows since Windows 2000, so I don't know what the
desktop looks like. You'd probably want to suggest one that looks the
most like an XP desktop from the beginning. We know that a Linux
desktop is highly configurable, but they won't realize that for some
time after trying Linux. They'll think that the desktop must look like
it does when it first boots, and if it is too different from XP it will
turn them off.

You might send them live DVDs of Ubunu (Unity), Xubuntu, Ubuntu-Gnome,
Kubuntu and Lubuntu, and have them spend some time in each one.

It also occurs to me that their motivation for making a move is because
XP is no longer supported, so they are probably worried about security
issues. Well, they could use XP forever with great security if they run
it in Virtualbox on a Linux machine. 
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