Ever since last weekend's aborted attempts to modify log rotation
intervals (which were completely rolled back), one of the scripts in
cron.daily (0logwatch; a soft link to
/usr/share/logwatch/scripts/logwatch.pl) stopped running. At least, I'm not
getting the reports mailed to me each morning at 04:40.

   I've tried to figure out why that script does not run when others, such as
1pflogsumm, logrotate, and slocate) do. Yesterday I modified root's crontab
to run /etc/cron.daily/0logwatch at 04:45. If it did run this morning I did
not have the report in my inbox.

   And for a reason I don't understand, the modification data on the softlink
is a week ago although I did not do anything with that file last week when
futzing with log rotations.

   Please suggest how I can diagnose why this one script is no longer running
or the summary results mailed to me if it does run.


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