On Thu, Aug 7, 2014 at 6:06 PM, MIke C. (Tech. Coord.)
<mike.conn...@albertagrocery.coop> wrote:
> "Can you expand on the description of your environment?  Do you have
> two servers (one with the single partition and another with multiple
> partitions)?"
> -- I wish it was only 1 server that was set up this way, but unfortunately
> it is two servers and they both only have 1 hard drive and 1 large /
> partition.
> "And, given that this is a server, you may want to consider using
> logical volumes instead of partitions."
> - On a new install, I would certainly use LVM as it has many advantages,
> however I don't know how to get there from here without the intermediary
> step of re-partitioning.
> If there is a way, I'd love to know about it.

Boot to a live disk. Use resize2fs to shrink the current partition,
create the new partitions, boot up, move the data to the new
partitions, edit fstab to match, reboot again.  You don't have to do
all the partitions at once. If you don't have enough space you could
do this one at a time for each partition.

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