Hi there,

 : I have read the man page for find, and googled, but I continue to 
 : fail.

It isn't an easy thing to grok and master.  Takes a while, but it is 
worth it.  Thanks for asking.

 : I am looking for a file created no more than ten days ago that is
 : an .odt file. It is somewhere in ~/, but which folder I put it in
 : escapes me. I need this file urgently. 
 : The following command ought to work according to the man page:
 :      find -atime 10 /home/jjj/*.odt

Try this:

find /home/jjj/ -type f -ctime -10 -name '*.odt'

  -type f       means only things that are real files
  -ctime -10    creation time (stat.ctime) 10 days ago or more recent
  -name '*.dot' fnmatch(3) style string match for filename

I like find.

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