I support some customers who use SNI and this is far and away the most
frequent problem we see:


and this is my favorite tool for anaylzing SSL issues:


It doesn't have much of interest to say about saunter.us except:  This site
works only in browsers with SNI support.

Interestingly, it does not say the same thing about jamhome.us

On Wed, Nov 26, 2014 at 7:04 AM, Michael Rasmussen <mich...@jamhome.us>

> I have three SSL enabled hosts on an Apache web server with SSL services
> provided by GnuTLS.
> mod_ssl does not support (at least at the time I first set these up) SNI.
> SSL is working properly for two of the three jamhome.us and michaelsnet.us
> The third site, saunter.us, is having the jamhome.us SSL cert provided
> resulting in a
> debug level logging is enabled for Apache.
> When Firefox is used to access saunter.us this message is recorded:
>   [Wed Nov 26 06:43:50 2014] [info] GnuTLS: Fatal Alert From Client: (42)
> 'Certificate is bad'
> (Side note: Chrome does not trigger that log message.
> Certificates have been validated, a CSR decoder was used to validate the
> CSR I submitted for the saunter.us cert.
> I've run out of troubleshooting ideas.   What suggestions do you have?
> Relevent portions of config files follow.
>     Conf file jamhome.us
> <VirtualHost>
>     ServerName      www.jamhome.us
>     ServerAlias     jamhome.us
>     GnuTLSEnable            on
>     GnuTLSPriorities        NORMAL
>     GnuTLSSessionTickets    on
>     GNUTLSExportCertificates on
>     GnuTLSCertificateFile   /path_to/certs/certificate-49851-jamhome.crt
>     GnuTLSKeyFile           /path_to/private/jamhome_us.key
>     GnuTLSClientCAFile      /path_to/certs/gandi-ca-2014.crt
> # other options snipped
> </VirtualHost>
> End of jamhome.us
>    Conf File michaelsnet.us
> <VirtualHost>
>     ServerName      www.michaelsnet.us
>     ServerAlias     michaelsnet.us
>     GnuTLSEnable            on
>     GnuTLSPriorities        NORMAL
>     GnuTLSSessionTickets    on
>     GNUTLSExportCertificates on
>     GnuTLSCertificateFile
>  /etc/ssl/certs/certificate-49850-michaelsnet.crt
>     GnuTLSKeyFile           /etc/ssl/private/michaelsnet_us.key
>     GnuTLSClientCAFile      /etc/ssl/certs/gandi-ca-2014.crt
> # other options snipped
> </VirtualHost>
> End of michaelsnet.us
>    Conf File saunter.us
> <VirtualHost>
>     ServerName      www.saunter.us
>     ServerAlias         saunter.us
>     GnuTLSEnable            on
>     GnuTLSSessionTickets    on
>     GnuTLSPriorities        NORMAL
>     GNUTLSExportCertificates on
>     GnuTLSCertificateFile   /path_to/certs/certificate-100672-saunter.crt
>     GnuTLSKeyFile           /path_to/private/saunter_us.key
>     GnuTLSClientCAFile      /path_to/certs/gandi-ca-2014.crt
> # other options snipped
> </VirtualHost>
> End of saunter.us
>    Conf File gnutls.conf
> <IfModule mod_gnutls.c>
>   # all options commented out
> </IfModule>
> End of gnutls.conf
>    Conf File ports.conf
> NameVirtualHost *:80
> Listen [::]:80
> Listen
> <IfModule mod_gnutls.c>
>     Listen 443 https
>     NameVirtualHost
> </IfModule>
> End of ports.conf
> --
>       Michael Rasmussen, Portland Oregon
>     Be Appropriate && Follow Your Curiosity
> Objects in the calendar are closer than they appear.
>         ~  Michael Rasmussen
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