On Fri, 2014-12-12 at 15:56 -0800, Dick Steffens wrote:
> On 12/12/2014 03:43 PM, Tim Wescott wrote:
> > This is a medium-bizarre question, but an answer would be of great help
> > to me.  I've actually asked it on the Scilab list, but if there's not a
> > Scilab answer to it, I'd be happy with a Linux one:
> >
> > I have some papers that I maintain on my web site, for example:
> > http://wescottdesign.com/articles/Sampling/sampling.pdf.
> >
> > These are authored in lyx, with some figures generated with Scilab.  The
> > site is archived as software, and built using a makefile, including the
> > pdf files.  Rather than keeping the figures as generated graphics files,
> > I keep the Scilab files and generate the figures as needed.
> >
> > To generate a figure, make runs its generating script from a shell, e.g.
> >
> > scilab -nw -nb -e
> > "execstr(['errcatch(-1,''kill'')';'scf';'exec(''motor-PD-friction.sce'');';'quit'])"
> >
> > Scilab thinks that it's an interactive environment, so when the script
> > makes a figure, Scilab opens the window on top of whatever is running,
> > draws it, then closes it.  Since I have several papers on the site (and
> > its growing), this means that I can't leave the make running in the
> > background and get work done, because I'm constantly getting windows
> > created in my face.
> >
> > It's kind of like trying to read in the same room as a cat, except that
> > Scilab figures are not warm and fuzzy, and they do not purr.
> >
> > Scilab does have a "don't use graphics" mode, but if you try to make a
> > graph in that mode it bombs.
> >
> > Is there some way of running a command from a shell that gives the
> > command a working X environment (so that it can make the figure), but
> > hides that environment from me (so that I can keep designing a circuit,
> > answering my mail, or whatever it is that engineers do)?
> >
> > Thanks in advance.
> >
> Just a popped into my head idea, but could you run it in a different 
> workspace?
That's definitely a workaround, but it's running right now and it's a
GOOD workaround.


Tim Wescott
Control & Communications systems, circuit & software design.
Phone: 503.631.7815
Cell:  503.349.8432

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