On Mon, Jul 06, 2015 at 05:38:55PM -0700, Patrick J. Timlick wrote:
> This article in Business week is about transportation and cars of the
> future, and may well come to pass.  It just the opposite of what Keith
> would have.
> > Cars in the next few years will be able to find the fastest route for the
> > morning commute as well as order coffee, pay for it and guide the driver to
> > pick it up.
> >
> > This transformation of the auto into a full-service mobile device adds up
> > to a potential goldmine. Revenue from the data streams and connectivity
> > components could become a 180 billion-euro ($200 billion) market by 2020,
> > McKinsey & Co. estimates. That’s a rich target for Apple Inc. and Google
> > Inc., and automakers are fighting for a claim as well.
> >
> http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-07-06/apple-and-google-tempted-by-cars-that-can-buy-morning-coffee?cmpid=BBD070615_BIZ
Great. Just what I need. A car that auto routes me to the coffee vendor that
is a favored partner of the car company bypassing the locally owned businesses 
I'd prefer.  My bank account linked to my car. 

Fortunately with traffic volumes over the Willamette and into available parking
I'll still be able to bicycle in about the same time if convenience is my 

      Michael Rasmussen, Portland Oregon  
    Be Appropriate && Follow Your Curiosity
If it wasn't your destiny, why do you dream of it?
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