you can 
 boot into th live thingy
 mount your drive # assume you mount it at /mnt for this idea
 edit /mnt/etc/shadow to nullify your password (the : are delimiters)
   example before:
   example after:

   verify your homedir exists 
    ls /mnt/home/<username>
    ls /mnt/home/mikeraz  # in this example

close everything down and try booting and logging in again.

Side Question:  What is your self assesment for tech skill and interest?

On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 02:46:42PM -0700, Genaro Hernandez wrote:
> Hi. I would appreciate it if someone could help me with my issue. It's my
> only laptop and I really need it for my schoolwork.
> *The issue* is that something went wrong with my Ubuntu 14.04 because at
> the GUI login, I enter my password, it looks like it accepts it, then it
> says something went wrong, and finally returns me to the login.
> *I tried to* login with the shell but my password is not accepted.
> *Someone suggested* I do this:
> "boot into a live cd/dvd/usb and you'll have a working ubuntu desktop. use
> the file manager to mount the internal drive (it'll just be named by size,
> like "60GB drive") and copy off what you need. then reinstall like normal"
> Can someone tell me if that is good advice? If so, can you provide me with
> more relevant information (e.g. links to any web pages/videos)? You can let
> me know if I should just do some online searches myself. I did find this
> link on how to create a bootable usb stick on Ubuntu:
> Thank you for all of your help.
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      Michael Rasmussen, Portland Oregon  
    Be Appropriate && Follow Your Curiosity
"Frobyshnobskurov?", I asked them, looking pleading. I think I was asking
for drain cleaner but they cottoned on when I dabbed my finger on the
map.Frobyshnobskurov, it said, plain as life. "Ah," said a warty one,
finally understanding, "Frropbussplanshikoo-ROFF!" Hungarian is like that.
    ~ Cross country bike tourist Leo Woodland
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