if we can get on a video call, you can press buttons and I can observe the
response and give instructions for the next step in real time.

it would save considerable driving time for either of us. I'm in tigard.

google chat, facebook, iphone's facetime, etc. surely there is some overlap
in our use of technology we can use to our advantage here.


On Fri, Nov 27, 2015 at 9:12 PM, Charles <char...@gov1.us> wrote:

> On 11/27/2015 08:36 PM, wes wrote:
>> do you have skype
> No, but i think i can get it installed.
> or any other video calling capability?
> I have experimented with other video-conferencing programs;
> but none are installed on my present system.
> And i do not comprehend how video-conferencing
> might be of any use in solving my printer/networking problem.
> I could just shoot a video from my cell-phone
> of what happens with my printer efforts;
> & then send that to you;
> or post it on the server i have rented;
> if that is how you are thinking that
> video technology might assist with this problem.
> And thanks for the prompt reply.
> cz ...
> -wes
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>> On Fri, Nov 27, 2015 at 7:59 PM, Charles <char...@gov1.us> wrote:
>>     Wes;
>>     Sorry for the delayed reply,
>>     but i have been wrestling with my HP-Printer problem,
>>     & taking careful notes from your video, here:
>>     https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJvNbBbrsgU
>>     For some strange reason,
>>     my printer is not responding in
>>     the same manner as the one in your video,
>>     even tho they both appear to be the same model.
>>     More specifically;
>>     in your video near the 1:15 mark,
>>     you are shown changing to "Yes" the settings
>>     for: "CFG-Network=Yes".
>>     I can get my machine to do that; ... but,
>>     when i go on to the other settings in your video,
>>     & i then come back to this setting,
>>     it is some-how Changed back to "No".
>>     I pushed "Select", & i got the "*" (star) sign next to it,
>>     before i went on & then came back to see it changed to "No".
>>     But that does not seem the worst problem.
>>     I can get "CFG TCP/IP=Yes" properly set,
>>     but then i press the 2 right-clicks shown in your video
>>     to where "IP Byte" is supposed to be,
>>     & it is not there.
>>     And i see other good fellas here
>>     have made some good suggestions also;
>>     but i spent a lot of time/energy on attempting to follow
>>     the instructions in your video;
>>     & i dont know if you fellas comprehend how difficult & frustrating
>>     these sorts of problems can be for
>>     newbies who do not have your skill-sets.
>>     And this gets to broader-issues,
>>     concerning our linux & open-source community.
>>     I am an "end-user", with some modest economic-recourses;
>>     & i can pay some of you to get on the phone with me
>>     or to let me bring my machines & router to you,
>>     or else pay you to drive out here to sandy,
>>     & help me with these sorts of problems.
>>     But ive been with-out a printer now for over 3-weeks.
>>     I do social-justice related legal-work
>>     which is all suffering because i cant print simple documents.
>>     I am good at what i do;
>>     but i cant be both a legal genius & a computer genius.
>>     I simply do not possess that many brain-cells.
>>     I really want to throw some money out here,
>>     & at least pay some-one to get on the phone with me,
>>     & help me cure this printer & networking problem.
>>     I can pay $50.00 for any-one who will spend
>>     up to an hour on the phone with me
>>     in honest efforts to at least try to
>>     cure this printer/networking problem.
>>     Maybe more.
>>     I am desperate.
>>     Any takers?
>>     Charles Stewart.
>>     38788 Barlow Parkway,
>>     Sandy Oregon.
>>     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>>     On 11/06/2015 01:59 AM, wes wrote:
>>         I agree that this is an issue with the printer's IP address. I
>>         have a few
>>         of these. I'm too lazy to write down all the steps to deal with
>>         this, but I
>>         made a video of how to view and set the IP.
>>         https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJvNbBbrsgU
>>         You can find the IP address your internal network uses by
>>         running the
>>         "ifconfig" command on the command line:
>>         $ ifconfig
>>         eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 40:40:72:FD:A5:B0
>>                     inet addr:  Bcast:
>>         Mask:
>>                     inet6 addr: fe80::4240:72ff:fefd:a5b0/64 Scope:Link
>>                     UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1
>>                     RX packets:163214907 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0
>>         frame:0
>>                     TX packets:223887222 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0
>>         carrier:0
>>                     collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
>>                     RX bytes:12206629277 <tel:12206629277> (11.3 GiB)
>>         TX bytes:193416766812 (180.1 GiB)
>>                     Interrupt:24
>>         note the line stating "inet addr:" - this is the IP you should
>>         emulate.
>>         don't use the same one for your printer, use one that won't ever
>>         be used
>>         elsewhere on your network. 254 is a good bet because it's the
>>         highest, and
>>         most networks don't reach the highest number. but it's not
>>         guaranteed.
>>         You seem an intrepid type, so hopefully this gives you the right
>>         direction
>>         to pursue.
>>         You should be able to ping the IP address once it's set properly:
>>         $ ping
>>         PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
>>         64 bytes from <>: icmp_seq=1
>>         ttl=49 time=62.8 ms
>>         64 bytes from <>: icmp_seq=2
>>         ttl=49 time=61.5 ms
>>         64 bytes from <>: icmp_seq=3
>>         ttl=49 time=62.3 ms
>>         64 bytes from <>: icmp_seq=4
>>         ttl=49 time=60.8 ms
>>         ^C
>>         --- ping statistics ---
>>         4 packets transmitted, 4 received, 0% packet loss, time 3004ms
>>         rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 60.873/61.901/62.810/0.749 ms
>>         If you can't, you're still having a network problem, don't
>>         bother messing
>>         with your printer configs until this is resolved and you get
>>         ping responses.
>>         -wes
>>         On Thu, Nov 5, 2015 at 9:41 PM, Charles <char...@gov1.us
>>         <mailto:char...@gov1.us>> wrote:
>>             On 11/05/2015 07:06 PM, John Bartley K7AAY
>>             j...@503bartley.com <mailto:j...@503bartley.com> wrote:
>>             <snip>
>>                 Charles, a Penguinista could also remotely access your
>>                 system and, with
>>                 you at the system to unplug/replug if needed, help you
>>                 solve your issue
>>                 without schlepping out 26.
>>             I really like these
>>             remote screen connections & "virtual network connections",
>> John.
>>             I have used them before;
>>             & with a good teckie on the other end,
>>             frequently problems can quickly be remedied.
>>             But, under such a set-up, i think i would need
>>             one of the fellas here to agree to try to
>>             work with me in solving my printer-problem with it.
>>             And this technology is great for curing probs in a
>>             single-computer;
>>             but when networking & printers are involved,
>>             it frequently seems that live-people need to be in the room.
>>                 Here's a list of remote access apps
>> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_remote_desktop_software
>>                 and
>>                 there are free remote client and server apps for Linux.
>>             Very nice.
>>             I would be happy to install one of these
>>             if any-one here was willing to
>>             dive more deeply in-to the difficulties of my system.
>>             Cz ...
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