On 12/5/2015 9:20 AM, Patrick J. Timlick wrote:
> I think you should add more detail.  Show your partition tables, show the
> commands you used to install, show the messages that indicate the wrong
> thing happened.

I think you have me moving in a productive {possibly not "*THE* 
right"} direction.
"Show your partition tables" lead to reading up on fdisk.
I don't know to "show the commands you used to install" as was 
responding to prompts from the installer. I was hoping that log 
files would give useful info.

In answer to my second question of my debian-user post, I 
discovered existence of
"/var/log/installer/". I had read "Debian GNU/Linux Installation 
Guide" several times in the last couple of years. That's why I 
knew log files existed. Just didn't remember where.

As to "show the messages that indicate the wrong thing happened", 
there were none - i.e. a "silent" failure. The only system was 
inability to boot the newly installed system.

I'm now setting out to do a series of installs to *CLEAN* media. 
That explicitly means use of "dd" with "if=/dev/zero". Yess I do 
have hardware dedicated to 'educational' experiments <GRIN> { > 
50 yrs of component level trouble shooting has taught me to start 
from a known state ;}

> On Sat, Dec 5, 2015 at 6:11 AM, Richard Owlett <rowl...@cloud85.net> wrote:
>> I posted the following question Dec 2 to the debian-user list. My
>> observation has of that list has been initial replies will be
>> within 24 hours.
>> My inference is question was poorly framed or not posted to
>> suitable forum.
>> { I've made minor edits indicated by [[new text]] .}
>> Comments please. Thank you.
>> On 12/2/2015 12:06 PM, Richard Owlett wrote:
>>> I have successfully installed Squeeze {6.0.10} to a flash drive.
>>> I can't seem to do the same with Jessie {8.0}.
>>> All my installs are from purchased copies of DVD 1.
>>> Both Squeeze and Jessie install to the hard drive without problems.
>>> My first attempt [[installing to flash]]  with Jessie was using Expert
>> mode but accepting
>>> all defaults except configuring network [none present] and
>>> setting clock to UTC. On reboot all I got was a blank screen and
>>> a flashing cursor.
>>> On my second attempt I first installed Squeeze to the flash drive
>>> to verify that all hardware [and the operator ;] was functional.
>>> It/I was.
>>> I then installed Squeeze to entire [[flash]] drive. It booted normally.
>>> I shrank the Squeeze partition with Gparted and then attempted to
>>> install Jessie to the freed space. All appeared to go as expected.
>>> HOWEVER, on reboot I saw the Grub screen created by the install
>>> of Squeeze.
>>> I booted to Squeeze and ran update-grub.
>>> On reboot there were now entries for both Squeeze and Jessie.
>>> BOTH could be started and appeared normal.
>>> 1. Is this a known problem? How would I search BTS for it?
>>> 2. How would I have the installer send all relevant log files to
>>> my hard drive?
>>> TIA
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