On Sat, 23 Apr 2016 09:36:31 -0700
Galen Seitz <gal...@seitzassoc.com> dijo:

>On 04/23/16 09:22, John Jason Jordan wrote:
>> Using Russel's advice and yours above I created the crontab (using
>> nano) and added the following command:
>>      0 3 * * * cp -auf /home/jjj/Mail /media/jjj/Data/
>> The command executed, but this morning I decided to enhance it by
>> adding your handy reminder and a couple additional # lines copying
>> and pasting your explanation of '-auf' for future reference. When I
>> went to save my crontab to disk (Crtl-o in nano) I noticed from the
>> prompt that nano wanted to write the file as:
>>      /tmp/crontab.2Atvun/crontab
>> This puzzles me. I thought things in /tmp were only for temporary
>> use. Why is the file saved to /tmp? Shouldn't it be saved to
>> someplace in ~/?
>I don't know for certain, but presumably crontab does some
>post-processing, perhaps checking for syntax errors, then moves the
>file into the appropriate place.  To confirm that's the case, just
>look for your file using sudo in the /var/spool directory that Brian
>mentioned. Something like:
>sudo ls -R /var/spool/cron/

OK, I figured out that the crontab file is where it's supposed to be.
But now I have another problem. The command

        0 3 * * * cp -auf /home/jjj/Mail /media/jjj/Data/Mail

Worked the first time I ran it, but not subsequent times, i.e., it's
like it finds the data folders are already there and won't overwrite
them. I first realized this when I checked and the Mail folder had not
been changed by the 3am cron job. So I tried running the above
command (just the actual command) manually from the command line and,
again, it did nothing. Then I deleted the backup Mail folder completely
and ran the command again. This time it copied the ~/Mail folder
to /media/Data/Mail. 

According to man cp -auf is what I should be using for what I want the
command to so, but apparently there is something that I am not
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