On 2016-05-12 20:03:39, John Jason Jordan <joh...@comcast.net> wrote:
> On Fri, 13 May 2016 07:34:44 +0900
> Bryan Linton <p...@shoshoni.info> dijo:
> >>><http://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/5.9/amd64/install59.iso>
> >> I just downloaded it. Did I get the latest snapshot?
> >No, the 5.9 indicates that it is a release directory.  The latest
> >snapshot would be at:
> >     http://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/snapshots/amd64/
> >
> >Also, one of the OpenBSD developers runs this site:
> >     https://rhaalovely.net/up2date.html
> >
> >It's updated daily with the dates and times of the snapshots on
> >all OpenBSD mirrors, so you can check and see which ones have the
> >latest snapshot before downloading.
> Obviously I am not nearly smart enough to use BSD, since I can't make
> heads or tails of the folders and what is what.
> I should add that my motivation is to have the latest snapshot
> available at the Clinic this Sunday. The reason I want to download it
> ahead of time is that we have poor bandwidth at Free Geek, especially
> with a dozen Linux-heads in the room all trying to use it at the same
> time. 
> I anticipated being able to find an ISO of the install files, to be
> burned to optical media or USB drive. Apparently that thinking is wrong.

I wouldn't be quite so self deprecating  :)

If I came across as anything other than wanting to be genuinely
helpful, then I apologize.  After re-reading my original message,
I can see how it could be interpreted as sounding somewhat curt.
If that was how it came across, then I apologize for wording
myself poorly.

OpenBSD just does things differently is all.  I'm sure figuring
out how the various Linux distros package their CDs also had a
small learning curve at first too.  Indeed, since I'm not a Linux
user, I find that I myself have had a hard time figuring out which
ISO to download from certain distros.

As another poster pointed out,
would indeed be the latest snapshot.

Be careful of the other .iso in the OpenBSD directories, it's
meant to be used more like a bootable floppy (the ~8 MB filesize
should be a giveaway that it couldn't contain the entire system
anyway) and used for net installs.

http://www.openbsd.org/faq/faq4.html  Might be a good place to
have bookmarked for everyone at the clinic.  It's focused on
getting and installing OpenBSD, so odds are any common issues will
have a solution posted there.

Again, I apologize if my original message came across as being
curt.  My intention really was to try and be helpful, since I know
getting over the first hurdle of installing OpenBSD tends to be
people's biggest stumbling block, and I welcome any and all people
who want to give OpenBSD a try!  :)


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