I have a program (Scilab), which occasionally decides that it's hungry
and wants to eat lots and lots of memory.  This seems to be dependent on
what code I'm running (Scilab includes an interpreted data-analysis

Something about the way that Ubuntu is set up lets it use up so much
memory that it bogs down my computer to the point where I need to do a
hard reboot.  I think that it's hitting swap so hard that the normal
rationing of processor time to processes is hijacked by memory

Once I'm done rattling the appropriate bars at Scilab.org with a bug
report, is there a way to launch a program under Linux that limits its
memory access, either by total amount or in a way that'll throttle down
just that program when it goes to swap?


Tim Wescott
Control & Communications systems, circuit & software design.
Phone: 503.631.7815
Cell:  503.349.8432

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