Check out this page for some info on mounting NFS on Linux. Also shows how to 
create the proper 'fstab' to make it persistent.

Jason Spohn

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-----Original Message-----
From: [] 
On Behalf Of John Jason Jordan
Sent: Monday, July 11, 2016 10:34 AM
Subject: Re: [PLUG] Rsync user confusion: Who is user 1026?

On Sun, 10 Jul 2016 23:02:13 -0700
Bill Barry <> dijo:

>On Sun, Jul 10, 2016 at 10:42 PM, John Jason Jordan 
><> wrote:
>> I have discovered something that I should have noticed a long time 
>> ago, that is, that the entire drive is owned by root. That would
>> explain the fact that   the -o --owner and -g --group options are
>> not working in rsync, leaving the owner of the files the mysterious 
>> user 1026. (I'm betting user 1026 is root on my Xubuntu.) "And why is 
>> the drive owned by root?" you ask. That is because the only way I 
>> could mount it was with sudo.

>The problem is not quite that the entire drive is owned by root. The 
>underlying problem is that you are trying to rsync to a windows type 
>file system. Or probably more correctly what is presented to you as a 
>windows file system.  This will prevent you from correctly preserving 
>owners and groups and such because windows has a different notion of
>such things.   If you want to preserve those file attributes, you
>would be better off mounting the drive as an NFS drive if the Synology 
>allows for that.

The Synology does provide NFS and, in fact, in my initial setup with the 
DiskStation Manager utility I enabled both SMB and NFS. 

Now the question is how to mount it with NFS instead of SMB. I scoured the 
DiskStation Manager Help and didn't find a word about how to mount the share 
with NFS, just lots of stuff about setting permissions. I suppose that is 
because mount commands probably vary from OS to OS. 

This is the command that mounts it with SMB:

sudo mount.cifs //synology.local/synology/ /media/jjj/Synology/
        --verbose -o user=jjj

I assume I have to change either 'mount.cifs' or '//synology.local/synology/. 
So far Google hasn't been much help.
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