On Mon, 11 Jul 2016 19:05:46 -0700
Don Buchholz <buchh...@easystreet.net> dijo:

>I think you're really close ...
>     sudo mount -t nfs
>*/*volume1/Synology /media/jjj/Synology
>    ... that little "/" in front of 'volume1' could be important.

You may be onto something here. First, I thought the : was the proper
divider, and when I replaced it with the / I got something interesting
(see below). Then I added both, i.e., :/ and the command executed
without error. It's finally mounted!!

But all is not completely well, because I can't
access /media/jjj/Synology. Here is what I did:

sudo mount /media/jjj/Synology 
mount: special device does not exist

sudo mount /media/jjj/Synology
<Hooray, no error messages!! <Note both : and /.>

But all is not well:
cd /media/jjj/Synology/ 
bash: cd: /media/jjj/Synology/: Permission denied 

ls -la 
d---------    26 root root  81920 Jul 10 18:38 Synology

Aargh! Now the /media/jjj/Synology folder is owned by root again, the
same as happened when I mounted the share with SMB. Except this time
note all the missing permissions, which didn't happen when I mounted it
with SMB.

I was able to change ownership to jjj with 'sudo chown,' which is
also different from the SMB experience. Mounted with SMB the folder was
owned by root and I was not able to take ownership, even after sudo su.
On the other hand I could see all the files and act on them, it's
just that they were all owned by the mysterious user 1026, thus rsync
was not able to transfer ownerships from the source files.

I suppose I could also change the permissions here with chmod. But the
greater question is why is this even happening? 

In any event, thanks for the breakthrough insight! Finally a shred of
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