On Monday, July 18, 2016, Wayne E. Van Loon Sr. <w...@pacifier.com> wrote:

> I have a customer (in Texas) that installed a Raloy rf117hd KVM
> <http://www.raloy.com/products/rack-console-drawers/rf117hd/> on some
> Slackware 14.1 and Slackware 12.2 systems.
> The problem they are having is that the systems will not boot at
> 1920x1080 with the Raloy plugged in. What they have been doing is
> plugging in a 1920x1080 flat panel to boot with, then disconnecting the
> flat panel and plugging in the rf117hd.
> Does anybody have any experience with anything like this? I have sent a
> couple notes to Raloy without any response thus far.
> Wayne
> --
> Sent from my Linux computer
I've had mixed results over the years with Slackware and KVM switches.  It
comes down to is that X.org server can't "see" the monitor on the other
side and ends up guessing wrong or going with a default VESA mode.  Work

create your x.org settings in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d to over ride the
autodetected settings. you can use

# X -configure

to have X create a xorg.conf with just the monitor plugged in as a starting
point. From there, you can specify horiz and vert sync, screen size (mm),
dpi, specific screen modes to use, and even the EDID file, as needed.

I see from the product description, the KVM drawer has both analog and
digital video.  Depending on your GPU and driver, VGA autodetection can
fail.  Use DVI. Be aware also that many monitors have broken EDID output

check out /var/log/Xorg.0.log for errors.

Note: you don't necessarily need a full xorg.conf, just the bits needed to
specify monitor and/or driver settings in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d

Have Fun!

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    -- McCoy, "The City on the Edge of Forever", stardate 3134.0
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