On Sun, 14 Aug 2016, Rich Shepard wrote:

>   If you're a PHP coder I'd want to learn how to find the source of what's
> reported to be a syntax error in an adodb driver file. The latest adodb does
> not have a driver of the required name so I made a soft link to that name
> from the available postgres driver: adodb-postgres7.inc.php.

   Further time wasted, and a web forum message from 2007, tells me this
application cannot be made to run by my efforts. It would take an
experienced PHP/web application developer to go through it and fix
everything that's broken.

   Instead, since I have the schema and other docs for it, I'll create it
using django and python3. I'm not a fan of browser-based applications, but
not having to code the UI or embed the SQL puts parsimony ascendant; quicker
to get a working tool using django.

Thanks all,

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