On Wed, 14 Sep 2016, chris (fool) mccraw wrote:

> Just so it was clear - that was a joke posting I was reposting from
> 1991....not intended to start a flame war about who has the most history
> :)


   I knew that and did not intend to provoke a contest but only to extend the
idea by comparing hardware then and now.

> I have both written an ed clone and used ed, but gosh, I sure enjoy using
> vim and even emacs a lot more!

   I wrote my dissertation using HP's TDP (Text and Document Processor), a
line-oriented editor, like vi. I'd be lines ahead looking at my handwritten
text, look up at the screen, and discover that 90% was truncated because I
had reached the end of the line and didn't press the carriage return key.
After a few hundred pages of this I learned to dispise line editors. Hence,
_my_ preference for emacs. :-)

   Oh, it was also fun standing by the Diablo electronic typewriter and hand
feeding bond paper one sheet at a time as TDP sent pages to be printed. Yawn!

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