On 11/19/2016 09:50 AM, Denis Heidtmann wrote:
> On Sat, Nov 19, 2016 at 9:43 AM, Richard England <rlengl...@frontier.com>
> wrote:
>> On 11/18/2016 05:54 PM, Denis Heidtmann wrote:
>>> On Fri, Nov 18, 2016 at 5:13 PM, Russell Senior <
>> russ...@personaltelco.net>
>>>> Denis> This is a recent install, so I expect that there may not be 
>>>> many
>>>> Denis> kernels.  How do I see what older kernels I have?
>>>> I use aptitude for package management.  Look for packages named
>>>> linux-image-* and the associated linux-image-extra-*.  You want to purge
>>>> them, I think.
>>>> --
>>>> Russell Senior, President
>>>> russ...@personaltelco.net
>>> I looked using synaptic.  I see 4.4.0-42.62 both in generic and extra.
>>> There are 7 earlier, all listed as installed.  But I also see
>> 4.4.0-47.68,
>>> yet uname shows 42.68.  Is it possible that the install of 47.68 stalled
>>> when I got that memory error?  But regardless, it seems I have some older
>>> stuff to get rid of.
>>> But you said "..., I think."  That makes me reluctant.  Someone as
>>> incompetent as I am needs certainty to minimize the chance of
>> catastrophe.
>>> -Denis
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>> I'm not adept at Ubuntu but if you are installing updates with apt-get
>> can't you use
>> sudo apt autoremove --purge
>> to remove the old kernels as well as other unused packages?
> It worked.  Why do you say that I "cannot use" ?  Or are you asking a
> question?
> -Denis
> _______________________________________________
I use Ubuntu mostly on VMs so I am rarely concerned with removing SW. 
The machines don't last long enough to merit updating much less removing.

I was questioning my understanding and the applicability in your 

Hope that helped clean things up for your update.


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