The desktop machine continues to fail in various ways.  All the
observations and trials are too varied and random (or so it appears to me)
that I do not know what to relate and what is a distraction.

This AM on boot I got "error: attempt to read or write outside of hd0"
 Press any key to continue."

key presses ignored.  Reboot by button press.  Looked in the bios for
clues. Voltages and temperatures look OK.  Reboot gets the same "error:

Reboot into recovery mode latest kernel (3.160-77 generic).  fsck ran w/o
reporting errors.
 dpkg: bus error, bus error, input/output error 4 times. System summary
reports APT database bad.

Reboot normally.  ran sudo dpkg --configure -a  No errors reported.

Then I repeated the recovery mode and dpkg repair.  suggests apt-get
autoremove.  also says unable to fetch some archives.

Reboot normally.  Tried sudo apt autoremove --purge.  I get "--purge is not
understood"  I think this indicates the command should be apt-get, but I
believe I ran sudo apt autoremove --purge on the laptop with success.

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