> Hello All:
> I am looking for a mechanism from Linux to configure a device that's a
> small ethernet server:
>    https://www.lantronix.com/wp-content/uploads/pdf/XPort-AR_CR.pdf
> The initial steps involve configuring its BAUD rate, IP address etc..
> On Windows, per their instructions, folks are asked to use things like
> telnet and hyperterminal,
> or other serial communication tools.
> On Linux, I have configured serial ports before, using things like
> minicom.  But those devices would show up as /dev/TTY***.    In this
> device, it is showing up in an ethernet port.
> what tools can I use to configure this device in such scenario under Linux?
> I know exactly which ethernet port it is connected to (e.g.  eth1)
> thanks in advanced for any tip.
Are you connecting to the device via a serial port?

Standard configuration for serial port communication is: 9600, 8, N, 1

Bits per second (Baud Rate): 9600
Data Bits: 8
Parity: None
Stop Bits: 1
Flow Control: None

This getting started document explains how to connect via the serial port.

The device also has DHCP enabled, so you could just plug into your LAN. You
can run the command arp -a before plugging in it and then after. You should
see the new mac & ip addr entry in your computer's arp table.

Here's an example of an arp table entry on my computer:

gateway ( at 00:00:ca:11:22:33 [ether] on enp2s0

The first 6 characters of any mac addr are reserved for the OUI,
Organizationally Unique Identifier. In my example arp table entry, 00:00:ca
is for Arris.

Lantronix's OUI is: 00:80:A3


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