On Fri, 31 Mar 2017, Rich Shepard wrote:

>   Are there available repositories of working, complex awk scripts 
> for manipulating large text files? These are not related to system 
> or network administration, but general business information.

Below my .sig is the only mildly complex awk script I've written. The 
input was a CSV file that had been exported from Excel and run 
through dos2unix; the invocation was

   gawk -f myprog.awk -F, datafile.csv > myout.ics


Paul Heinlein <> heinl...@madboa.com <> http://www.madboa.com/

# transform CSV file of company contacts into vCard 3.0 format
# this recipe assumes a certain field order: last name, first name,
# home phone, cell phone, galois phone, galois email, alt. email.
# note also the system() call toward the end. it relies on a
# GNU-specific option to the date utility.

   print "BEGIN:VCARD"
   print "VERSION:3.0"
   # everyone should have a first and last name field, so no need to
   # test for them
   print "N:"$1";"$2";;;"
   print "FN:"$2" "$1
   # oh, and we all work at MyCorp :-)
   print "ORG:MyCorp"
   # print any phone field if it contains digits; a null field might
   # be empty or it might have the string 'n/a'
   if ($3 ~ /[0-9]/)
     print "TEL;TYPE=HOME,VOICE:"$3
   if ($4 ~ /[0-9]/)
     print "TEL;TYPE=CELL,VOICE:"$4
   if ($5 ~ /[0-9]/)
     print "TEL;TYPE=WORK,VOICE:"$5
   # print either e-mail field if it contains an '@' character
   if ($6 ~ /@/)
     print "EMAIL;type=INTERNET,WORK:"$6
   if ($7 ~ /@/)
     print "EMAIL;type=INTERNET,HOME:"$7
   # use printf to avoid getting a newline before the date
   printf "REV:"
   # the --iso-8601 option is specific to GNU date, which on a Mac
   # is installed as 'gdate' (via MacPorts). use plain old 'date' on
   # a linux machine (which probably has GNU utilities).
   system("gdate --iso-8601=seconds")
   print "END:VCARD"

# eof

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