I'm looking for examples (with explanatory comments) of
customized configuration files to use in the /etc/grub.d
directory, somewhere out there on the intertubes.

Specifically, what I hope to add is a "11_single" file
to /etc/grub.d that adds a boot menu option for booting
the most recent kernel in single user mode. 

Yes, I know I can select a menu entry with "e", and
then edit "SINGLE" onto the end of the kernel line.
However, I will typically only do this when something
is wrong, I am in a hurry to fix it, and prone to
mistakes.  I prefer to prepare for emergencies in
advance, when I am calm and have time to think things
through, so I will have more brain cells to focus on
on the specifics of an unplanned emergency.

I do best by copying and understanding examples.  The
example "41_custom" file has almost no useful comments;
they are there to remind the grub2 maintainer, not teach
a newbie to make safe tweaks.  Ditto the documentation.

Completely implemented and explained, the new grub2
setup could be a lot safer and easier to use than the
old grub setup.  But old grub was simple vi tweaks of
a single grub.conf file, and the new setup requires
far more knowledge to operate properly.  I prefer to
learn from multiple tested examples.  I'd rather spend
an hour than a week learning to do this.

Any suggestions?  I did find an almost-germane
explanation of a particular grub2 customization at
but my brain is too small to translate that into the
solution that I am hoping for.


Keith Lofstrom          kei...@keithl.com
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